User Interface for gun violence awareness


Visual Design, Information Design, Prototyping, Brand Identity Design  /  Updated Mar 2023


  1. How might we visualize and share statistics about gun violence to reach every American?

  2. How might we encourage all Americans to take action to make our communities safer?

An awareness campaign I created using design as a tool to educate myself and others on the relationship between the United States and guns, particularly the gun violence epidemic.


I started the project by doing some research on gun owners, gun violence in America versus other countries, gun violence today versus in the past few decades, and more.

The goal of my research was to help me better understand America’s relationship with guns. As someone who didn’t know the statistics well, I thought others would also be able to learn from the information I found powerful.

Sketches for the infographics

Sketches for the infographics I wanted to include in the campaign

Starting the Design

The Solution

The U.S. + GUNS campaign centralized information about gun violence in America and information about how to take action against it.

The information graphics can be posted on social media to reach as many people as possible and raise awareness and on the landing website where Americans can learn more about steps they can take to prevent gun violence in the future.

US+GUNS Social Screen Recording 2023.00_00_02_39.Still001.jpg

Challenge 1
Sharable infographics and dynamic visuals

Infographics can be easily shared as social posts that engage viewers and encourage sharing. Dynamic visuals that illustrate statistics and build a story are utilized throughout the website design.

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Challenge 2
Landing page with actionable items

A landing page called ‘Take Action’ directs users to clear steps they can take to help their communities. By taking these small actions, everyone can work together to prevent violence.


The campaign educated me on America’s relationship with guns. Most importantly, I discovered and consolidated ways to strengthen our communities and not feel so hopeless during a time of devastating news.

What I learned

I learned that design has the power to teach wide audiences about difficult subjects. Using well designed systems for social good is empowering for designers and communities.

Next steps:

  • Continue learning and collecting information about guns in America

  • Define a plan for launching this campaign, including finding a partnership with nonprofits currently working to solve related issues

Thank you


Thank you 〰️


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